CENTEGIX provides the timely delivery of actionable information to support safe and productive education environments with Crisis Alert and Classroom Video Solutions.
ATLANTA, GA (October 17, 2018) – CENTEGIX, formerly Dooley Education Solutions, has developed proprietary technologies that enable all staff members to initiate an alert quickly and reliably anywhere on the school campus, inside or outside the building.
Based in Atlanta, Georgia, CENTEGIX is taking a distinctive approach to delivering safety and security solutions to school districts around the country. CENTEGIX specializes in meeting the rapid communication needs of school leaders that include responding to crisis events, such as active shooters, as well as the everyday emergencies that are common in schools. “We are the first company that is focused on empowering every staff member in the building with the ability to initiate an alert in the event of a crisis or medical emergency,” says founder Daniel Dooley. “The benefit is that school districts have a reliable solution that gives them a greater return on their investment.”
In addition to their safety and security offerings, CENTEGIX also offers solutions for the enhancement and support of classroom instruction and professional learning with their Kloud-12 Classroom Video Solution.
CENTEGIX has a diverse team with over 75 years of education industry experience, including classroom instruction, district leadership, education technology, and professional development. They also have a deep understanding of the needs of school districts and leadership and are excited to leverage their experience and relationships to better serve the education community.
CENTEGIX is a technology company that provides Crisis Alert and Classroom Video Solutions to school districts seeking security, innovation, and streamlined communication.