CENTEGIX | Case Study
Hospitality Assault Attempt
CENTEGIX | Case Study
Hospitality Assault Attempt
Hotel chains around the world are taking additional measures to ensure the safety of both guests and staff members. Incident notification systems, designed to get help quickly in the event of an emergency, are required to optimize security. These measures help retain staff members because they feel more secure with access to help at the push of a button. Many states and municipalities are approving mandates that such notification systems be in place to maximize safety for all.
Incident Profile
A staff member was confronted by a dangerous individual in a guest’s room in which there was no cell service.
The Response
- The staff member was able to quickly and discreetly signal for help by pressing her CrisisAlert badge.
- Hotel management was immediately notified of the alert, as well as her exact location.
- Security was able to get to her quickly to contain the situation until law enforcement arrived.
This incident was an important reminder that time is of the essence and that critical moments like these can take place at any time. Because the CrisisAlert system was in place, we were able to ensure the safety of our staff member.
Empower Your Staff
with Safety